Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Projects on my mind!

Why is it that someone else can come into a home and transform it into something you never dreamed possible on all these tv shows, but when your actually living in your home you can have no creative direction whatsoever! I am a very visual person and I guess that is what makes things difficult for me. We haven't done anything really in the last 2 years we have lived here other than replace some carpet and fix a broken shower. I am really good at fixing obvious problems that I can see need work but I lack the ability to see beyond broken things. I would love a stainless steel appliances but I can't foresee replacing them when our mismatched ones already work so well. I would love to paint the kitchen but the previous owners worked so hard to paint the design that's already there. We have a friend who distressed her kitchen cabinets and they look fantastic, but I hate to commit without seeing the finished project. See my dilemma? I also struggle with wanting to do too much at once which tends to burn us out on future projects! Then there is the guilt of spending money that could be saved instead. I hate that I over analyze every decision and even when I do decide to do something I am too indecisive to decide on how to do it! Grr any personal designers out there who would like to come into my home and have your way with it? lol

Thursday, July 1, 2010

I am glad God knows the plans...

We just got back from a week in Falling Water, Arkansas for an old fashion campmeeting revival. The area just reminds me so much of my youth. As a kid and even now I love going there to just escape into that serene atmosphere of country life. Trees as far as the I can see and no city traffic, buildings or street lights. Just a simple life.

The revival was held on the grounds of my Grandma's church, the church my Mom grew up in. It is a annual event that has happened every year starting the last Friday in June lasting through the next weekend. This year was the 30th year I believe. It is nice to be able to share this tradition I was raised in with my daughters. Every morning we get up and have a country breakfast of homemade biscuits, gravy, rice, sausage and for some reason fried spam. I do not eat the latter but I can't say it would be the same if I didn't see it sitting there at the table. After breakfast we get ready for morning services. The kids go to bible school and the adults go under the tabernacle for song service and preaching. At noon they let out for the "noon meal" which is a free meal the ladies from the church serve up to everyone on the campgrounds. We didn't get to this year but when I was little the afternoons were usually spent playing in the beautiful falls down the road from the church.
The girls both were cranky and tired so instead of swimming after eating we headed home for a nap to get ready for a long night ahead. In the evenings they hold services that last from 5:30pm-10:00ish. Afterwards every one goes to "the kitchen" which is the cafeteria hall where they have concession and fellowship. There is just not a whole lot that compares to fries and nacho cheese with a coke after a good church service! lol We usually talk and hang out with our friends and family until after 11pm and then it all starts over in the morning! :)

I had a really good time and got to spend time with my loved ones that I don't get to see much throughout the year. It is so fun to see Rylin playing with her cousins who all happen to be girls under the age of 4! :) Between us all my cousins and I have 8 little ones all around the same age and one more on the way for my cousin Elizabeth who is expecting her first in January! It sure makes me feel old! I remember us being the toddlers who ran around playing in the sawdust while our parents enjoyed the services.

We just got home yesterday. We spent 5 nights away from Chris and both girls missed their Daddy! While we were gone Jordyn learned how to wave and say "Hi!" which is so adorable! She also started standing on her own in her play pen. She is just the cutest! Rylin says the cutest things all the time and she was so happy to tell her Dad all of the stories of the week she was gone. It was special to see them both on his lap when we got home. They were just hugging him and giggling with excitement. I am so proud to have married a man that is such a good father!

Today Chris went to orientation at a vo-tech hoping to start working in EMS and Fire education part time. He was planning to at least volunteer until he was able to get his foot in the door but God had other plans. Not only will he get paid for working, but the pay is more than we ever expected! It is an 80% increase of what he is making at his current part time job PLUS it is doing something he loves! I could not be more thrilled at the amazing blessings God has preformed in our lives over the last year! It is just not explainable other than by the grace and good will of The Lord that he has allowed us this life that we have.

When we got married we claimed a scripture for the foundation of our marriage and it is sweeter to my ears every time I see another part of God's plan unfold before our eyes.

Jeremiah 29:11-13 (New Living Translation)

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.12 In those days when you pray, I will listen.13 If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.